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Loot Tables: Monster Types

Writer's picture: Katrina WaldmanKatrina Waldman

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

By now you probably all know how much I love to write an article in honour of a new Wizards Of The Coast release, and those that play DnD 5e may have recently purchased 'Monsters of The Multiverse'. I have mixed feelings about the book itself - it rehashes a lot of old material, but it does give them such much needed updates and rewrites the lore so that it is not non-campaign specific!

I had a few ideas for this 'Monsters Of The Multiverse' inspired post, but ultimately I decided to create some loot tables! I wanted to look at each creature 'type' available in DnD 5e and give a quick reference table that a DM could use if a player tries to loot them. I'd love to expand this later on into some more creature-specific loot tables, but for now I'll stat things off with some broader ideas!



"Aberrations are utterly alien beings. Many of them have innate magical abilities drawn from the creature’s alien mind rather than the mystical forces of the world."

As a rule, Aberrations are normally found in places such as the Astral Sea or the Underdark - habitats that are rarely explored and not well known to the scholars of the world. As such, the loot that may be recovered from them would reflect the fact that their culture would be strange to the party, just as the party's culture would be odd to them!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, teeth, appendages, etc. Huge eyes from a Beholder, odd tentacles from a Grell, a strange skull from a Mindflayer - all would make an amazing memento from an epic battle with an aberration and would most likely be a rare find! These could be worth money, or perhaps have some special property that could be distilled into a potion or crafted into a magic item!

  2. Blood, slime, organs, etc. Similar to the above, you are bound to find some interesting bodily fluids, or unique organs within an aberration. Each of these could have magical properties, or something that will aid the party with their survival in a particular environment!

  3. An unusual weapon. Dependant on where the particular aberration you have used is from, you may choose to make a strange weapon available to you party! Perhaps, some kind of laser pistol or antimatter rifle? Or perhaps something homebrew that suits a particular world? It will certainly be fun to watch the players try to work out how to use them, particularly if the setting is mostly fantasy-based!

  4. Findings from the Material Plane. As previously stated, an aberration would be just as curious about the party's world as the party are about it! It might be worth them having a collection of notes in a strange language, some collection of test tubes filled with organic matter, a cage with a small beast within it, or some kind of item clearly stolen from someone.

  5. A remnant of their home. This could really be one to spark the imagination of the DM! Perhaps players will find some ancient piece of knowledge of a distant world that scholars have been arguing about for centuries, strange clothing or jewellery made up of materials that don't exist on the material plane, a star map, bizarre plant-life, or an exotic snack of some kind!

  6. A seemingly mundane object. Some loot gives you the perfect opportunity to play the long game! Perhaps a small model of a Nautiloid ship actually turns out to be an alien version of a boat of folding? A compass that doesn't point north would clearly be pointing elsewhere? Or an intricate box with strange engravings that begins to react when in the presence of a certain material or type of magic!



"Beasts are nonhumanoid creatures that are a natural part of the fantasy ecology. Some of them have magical powers, but most are unintelligent and lack any society or language."

While Beasts may be the easiest creature to envisage as they are mostly creatures that exist in the real world, it might actually be difficult to think of things to find or salvage from them as they probably will carry very little. It certainly provides a challenge for a DM to think outside the box!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, teeth, horns, etc. Beasts tend to be relatively common throughout the Material Plane and so these salvageable finds may not be worth a lot, but they will be worth something for practical uses or magical components. Your herbalist, poison expert, or mage with a component pouch will adore these finds, and particularly epic fights may warrant a memento!

  2. Blood, slime, organs, etc. Similarly, internal organs or blood make excellent finds for an alchemist or potion master. They are always sellable, could be used to bait traps, and may be used to indicate some form of disease or corruption in the area.

  3. A sign of an owner. Beasts are usually of low intelligence and easily trained, and so it would not necessarily be the strangest thing to find an indication that they had an owner - a collar with an address on a Wolf, a saddle thrown over the back of an Axebeak, or even some broken manacle and chain links tailing from the neck of a Crocodile would certainly be enough to intrigue a curious party.

  4. A scrap from their previous prey. Many a commoner has probably fallen prey to a ferocious beast, and when eaten they may have left a scrap behind! If you have someone who enjoys cutting open the beasts they fight then perhaps they might find this in their stomach - a ring, a small trinket, coins etc.

  5. A new companion. This can be achieved in a couple of ways - the beast itself could be subdued through a particularly difficult fight with the party and the savvy animal love might seize this opportunity to tame it. OR, the party could find an egg or the beast's young after killing it and feel a sense of responsibility towards it.

  6. Tracks that lead to treasure. Many beasts have lairs. Perhaps the loot is not immediately found in the beast's vicinity, but along its most recently trodden path. A mauled body might have a magical item on it, or a cave nearby might contain a wondrous, natural treasure.



"Celestials are creatures native to the Upper Planes. Many of them are the servants of deities, employed as messengers or agents in the mortal realm and throughout the planes."

As divine beings, Celestials have the potential to have some really interesting treasure on their bodies! In fact, these creatures could provide some fascinating insight into the realms of deities that are mere speculation on the Material Plane!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, feathers, horns, etc. Being of the divine realm, many of these angelic beings fly or have appendages with special properties. Couatl scales, Unicorn or Ki-irin horns, even Angel feathers - all would certainly be rare and worth a lot of money too, so it would be well worth gathering these things up!

  2. Blood, tears, organs, etc. The nature of a celestial probably means that any of these components would have healing or purifying properties. This is certainly useful if the party will be adventuring regularly! Have a party member that has contracted a disease? Perhaps looting a celestial will help!

  3. A minor blessing. A celestial creature sacred to one deity might be sought after by another, and killing it could grant the party a minor boon. Equally, showing a celestial some mercy might also grant the party a gift thanks to their good deed.

  4. A sign from the gods. If a celestial is in service to a deity, it might be worth putting some indication as to which one. Clothing colours or insignias, the handles of their tools or weapons, or even collars or tags if they are more animalistic. Perhaps there will be a note or message from the deity in question for the party!

  5. An unusual weapon. Celestials are known for their angel-like looks and often give off a very militant vibe. As such, many no doubt own some unusual and intriguing weapons that will pique a party's interest!

  6. Religious artifacts or lore. The goings on in the worlds of the gods will always be of great interest, as it often spills over into other planes! A piece of lore from the Upper Planes that indicates some kind of divine battle or disagreement, holy books or artifacts, jewellery and unusual clothing, or even art!



"Constructs are made, not born. Some are programmed by their creators to follow a simple set of instructions, while others are imbued with sentience and capable of independent thought."

I really love thinking of interesting things to give Constructs, as their belongings/ salvageables would normally reflect the personalities of their creator in some way! Dependant on the setting, there is also a lot of scope for some fascinating lore drops too.

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Gears, metal, parts, etc. Not all constructs are made of metal, but many are and they could end up being your Artificer's dream find! Scrap metal is always useful for someone whose trade is smithing, construction, or metalwork. Especially if the metal is unusual in some way!

  2. A sign of a creator. Perhaps the party are after the construct's creator? Well they could certainly find something on the construct itself - an insignia or tag, a collar, or something that gives a clue as to the creator's identity or method!

  3. Minor magical modifications. Some constructs might have some fun magical properties thanks to a certain part installed, and that part may be usable to the party!

  4. A piece of the puzzle. If you are looking for a way of inserting some interest into a dungeon, then a construct could be the answer! Perhaps a part of it is also the key to a secret entrance, or the answer to a riddle is inscribed on its body.

  5. A new companion. After defeating and reprogramming a construct, or even just meeting one, they could make the perfect guide or companion in an odd new environment. Temporary or permanent, it is the perfect opportunity to inject some personality into them!

  6. A spark of emotion. While constructs mostly serve as an extension of their creator, there is nothing wrong with giving them some unique trait that indicates some small nugget of individual thought. Perhaps a small book on their person where they have been learning too write, or something that points towards a hobby or passion.



"Dragons are large reptilian creatures of ancient origin and tremendous power. Also in this category are creatures distantly related to true dragons, but less powerful, less intelligent, and less magical."

Dragons are usually a loot heavy encounter, and I have actually previously written a post on Dragon Hoards that could provide some good ideas for this category! I also think the loot found within their lair could be an interesting way to inject some personality into one of these intelligent, magnanimous beings!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, scales, teeth, etc. It stands to reason that anything of this nature that is draconic would probably be worth a lot of money, as Dragons are exceptionally difficult to kill and are inherently filled with magical energy. Armour, weapons, staves, all would probably have some extra magical energy if made from dragoon hide or bone.

  2. Blood, breath, organs, etc. Equally, Dragon blood and breath would certainly have some hugely magical properties. Alchemists and mages could do a lot with such ingredients and would pay well for it!

  3. Magic from their lairs. The land around Dragon habitats is infused with their ancient magic for miles, and that could give the wildlife some interesting properties! If the trees have been burnt by a Dragon's breath, perhaps the wood collected there could have some special properties to salvage?

  4. Hoard items. This is a bit of an obvious one for a Dragon, but where there is a dead dragon, its hoard is probably not too far away. Depending on the age of the dragon, these items could be extremely rare and mixed with whatever else the dragon valued - money, jewels, books, or art could all be part of the mix.

  5. A scrap from their previous prey. Discovering the fate of previous adventurers who have sought to kill the dragon could also be a fun find - new quests, lore, and interesting items are all possible with this kind of loot.

  6. Historical lore drops. - Dragons are very old, and as such will know a lot about the world from a long time ago. They may be the proud collector of many ancient artefacts, documents, tomes, or antiques from ages long since past.



"Elementals are creatures native to the elemental planes. Some creatures of this type are little more than animate masses of their respective elements, including the creatures simply called elementals. Others have biological forms infused with elemental energy."

As with Dragons, I have previously come up with some very specific ideas for Trinkets within the Elemental Planes that might be worth a look for loot ideas! They are an interesting creature type to think about for loot as they vary so wildly in their biological make-up!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Dust, scales, feathers, etc. Creatures for the Elemental planes are a rare find and as such, their components will be valuable. Be it Mephit dust or Phoenix feathers, if there's anything left after one dies, it is certainly worth salvaging!

  2. Ash, breath, organs, etc. Some really interesting potion ideas could come from an elemental - perhaps resistance or immunity to their particular element for a time, something that will enhance damage of that kind given, or access to element based spells.

  3. A remnant of their home. Whether the elemental you are fighting lives in the wilds or a civilised city within their plane, it is certainly a fun idea to give them some lootables that hint towards it. Perhaps a Genie will drop the ring that used to hold them, or some strange map or piece of art will be found on an Azer's body.

  4. Their associated element. Sometimes it's enough to just leave a small memento of that creature and it's element. A Water Elemental may leave behind many puddles of unusual, moving water for example. Or a Geonid may leave its collection of unusual pebbles.

  5. Tracks leading to another Plane. Are the elementals that your party just fought usually found in this area? If not, perhaps a portal has opened up somewhere that has allowed them to come through. A whole new set of adventures could await if the party decide to see what is on the other side!

  6. A minor magical effect. Elementals interact with the very essence of the natural world and even speak it's language. Its death may leave behind some imprint - an ever-burning bush or concentrated tornado for example. If contained in some way to an item, a weapon or staff could nab itself a cool new effect!



"Fey are magical creatures closely tied to the forces of nature. They dwell in twilight groves and misty forests. In some worlds, they are closely tied to the Feywild, also called the Plane of Faerie. Some are also found in the Outer Planes, particularly the planes of Arborea and the Beastlands."

I would definitely recommend checking the Trinket table found in 'Wild Beyond The Witchlight' for some Fey loot ideas! This creature type varies so wildly in its aesthetic and general vibe (Hags are VERY different from Pixies) and so coming up with general categories for them is a little more challenging, but residents of the Feywild definitely share some common themes.

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, wings, nails, etc. The Feywild is also another distinctly magical place filled with interesting and rare creatures! Players may get a lot of value out of a Pixie's wings, some Hag bones, or the roots of a Dryad for example!

  2. Blood, hair, organs, etc. The chaotic nature of the Feywild lends itself to some equally chaotic potion ingredients. I think anything made for Fey blood would be a give and take situation - a cool property or spell, but at the cost of a wild magic sage of some kind.

  3. An invite to court. The Feywild is made up of a number of interesting courts and each creature normally falls under the protection of one. You might find an invite to a party or gathering on their person, or an oath to hurt an enemy court in some way.

  4. Stolen trinkets. The Fey love to play tricks, and usually do so on unsuspecting mortals. Perhaps they've stolen a physical belonging such as a child's doll or a petty necklace, or maybe they have on their person a victim's memories, voice, or laughter!

  5. Tracks leading to another Plane. As with elementals, the presence of a fey creature could well mean a ticket to the Plane of Faerie. Following their tracks may lead you to a Faerie portal of some kind - I have a whole post of ideas here if that sounds appealing!

  6. Magical enchantments. Minor magical items, potions, or spells would almost certainly be found on the body of a Fey creature. Especially hags. Their death may also cause some small surge of magical chaos and I would once again suggest the wild magic table for some good ideas.



"Fiends are creatures of wickedness that are native to the Lower Planes. A few are the servants of deities, but many more labor under the leadership of archdevils and demon princes. Priests and mages sometimes summon fiends to the material world to do their bidding."

Fiends cover a few different subcategories, and interestingly their methods and approach to life are very different! Demons are chaotic, bloodthirsty creatures, while Devils are lawful beings that prefer order. Both provide some fantastic opportunities for interesting loot!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Horns, wings, claws, etc. Devils, demons and yugoloths are usually pretty monstrous looking creatures with a variety of odd spikes, bones and growths. Taking these will almost certainly provide a valuable spell component or mine magical property!

  2. Blood, fur, organs, etc. Fiends are inherently magical. One can only imagine the benefit of having some Rakshasa fur to create a cloak from, given their limited immunity to magic! The harder they are to kill, the rarer the magical property, but be aware that they are mostly reborn in their home plane. They may seek revenge unless killed there.

  3. A contract or pact. Mortals make bargains with Devils or pacts with Demons all the time. Finding evidence of these could be a fun lore drop! Perhaps one names a beloved NPC friend of theirs, or indicates a bigger part of the plot they are uncovering!

  4. Magical paraphernalia. Just like their enemies, the celestials, fiends will be privy to a variety of interesting and unusual weapons, tools, and magical items! Their properties could be minor, or unveiled at a later date!

  5. Lore from the Lower Planes. The scope to include dark rituals, spell books belonging to warlocks, maps of the Nine Hells, or a paper on a particular demi-plane of the Abyss is vast.

  6. Nefarious plans. Archdevils are constantly trying to outsmart each other and so their subordinates may have letters with specific instructions or thoughts regarding their alliances and wars. Equally, strategies for the Blood War between demons and devils, or even plans from a prominent cultist may come into play!



"Giants tower over humans and their kind. They are humanlike in shape, though some have multiple heads (ettins) or deformities (fomorians)."

Terrifying on the battlefield, Giants are often overlooked when it comes to planning encounters but the potential for some very interesting loot is definitely there! Everything that is owned by one would be on a much bigger scale than normal!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, teeth, nails, etc. There are many magical properties associated with Giants. Their toenails for example are key ingredients within potions that bestow strength! Selling these would give the party a good amount of money!

  2. Blood, saliva, organs, etc. Giant's blood could equally bestow an interesting effect within a potion - perhaps depending on the giant? Trolls are also known for their regenerative properties and consuming their hearts allows a player to undergo the same effects!

  3. An oversized mundane object. This would probably serve to be a piece of comedy than of any real use to the party, but giants live up to their name and so anything on their person would be of the same size - flasks, cutlery, tools, even weapons.

  4. An interesting weapon. Speaking of weapons, Giants are notoriously excellent smiths. They rival even Dwarves in their abilities and so this would be reflected in the excellent detail found in their weaponry, even if it was non-magical.

  5. Tracks that lead to treasure. Most Giants have a lair or home somewhere around and have no doubt collected a lot of treasure within it. Players may even find pets belonging to the giant (Giant Goats, Winter Wolves or even Mammoths would serve this purpose well), or prisoners!

  6. A bit of culture. Giants have their own language, and so finding a book, letters, or poetry written in Giant is not out of the question. There is also a lot of excellent giant lore available - the customs of a Cloud Giant would be very different to that of a Fire Giant for example!



"Humanoids are the main peoples of the world, including humans and a tremendous variety of other species. They have language and culture, few if any innate magical abilities (though most humanoids can learn spellcasting), and a bipedal form."

Humanoids may look to be the easiest to create loot for, but it can actually be much harder to do so than first thought purely because there are so many different kinds, with various cultures, professions, and lore to consider. It makes them the perfect tool to advance quests or gameplay with!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Biological matter. It is unlikely that traders would have much interest in human hair or dwarf blood, but Goblinoids or Kobolds also technically fall under this category and maybe a slightly different story. They may at least make interesting mementos.

  2. Basic supplies. If you are playing a survivalist campaign in which ammo and food is tracked, this might prove especially essential. Extra weapons, ammunition, for, and blankets among other things can sometimes be just as fun to find as a magical item.

  3. A glimpse of their lives. If you are a DM that likes to lightly torture your party by making them question their own morals, why not have your bandit be halfway through a letter to their sister? Or have the goblin be carrying a letter with a peace treaty to be taken to the nearby human settlement? Maybe this particular orc really enjoyed knitting? Be imaginative!

  4. An interesting weapon or item. Each humanoid race has a very different culture and so it is always interesting to include a strange item or weapon that reflects that - be it their deities, the weather of their surroundings, or their history!

  5. Some interesting lore. Books are my favourite items to put on humanoid bodies as they can really reflect that person's interest or context. What are they reading about, and why? This is a great opportunity to drop in a new side quest too - mention a nearby temple or have a map that might point to treasure and your party will jump on it!

  6. A bit of culture. What was the profession of the person? Did they worship a particular deity? Where did they come from? Anything that points to an interest in the arcane, history, the natural world, or religion will help the world your players are in feel more relatable!



"Monstrosities are monsters in the strictest sense — frightening creatures that are not ordinary, not truly natural, and almost never benign. Some are the results of magical experimentation gone awry, and others are the product of terrible curses. They defy categorisation, and in some sense serve as a catch-all category for creatures that don’t fit into any other type."

As Monstrosities are a bit of a catch-all category, it can be very difficult to create a broader overview of loot for them! In some ways they are similar to more aggressive beasts, but there are a fair few that are far more intelligent and this could also be taken into account when the party investigate their corpses.

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Bones, teeth, claws, etc. Many monstrosities are actually larger, tougher, more ferocious variants on beasts and so their bones, teeth and claws might be worth a little more than their bestial counterparts. A Roc's beak for example would probably be exceptionally valuable, as would the tooth of a Purple Worm!

  2. Blood, slime, organs, etc. Some monstrosities have exceptional, magical abilities which can probably be borrowed in the form of a potion or magic item. For example, a Phase Spider can phase in and out of the Ethereal Plane, or the Cave Fisher produces exceptionally tough and sticky filament.

  3. A sign of experimentation or curse. Many monstrosities are formed as a result of a terrible curse or experiment, and so a form of mark, insignia, or tag that indicates this could be an interesting find for a party and evolve into a potential new side quest!

  4. A glimpse of intelligence. While many monstrosities are fuelled by instinct, some have the intelligence to create tools, or speak a language! Yetis are certainly on there way to being very intelligent beings and may have begun to write. Sphinxes are exceptionally intelligent beings also and it would not be out of the question to find an ancient manuscript or treasure that they are studying in their grasp or lair.

  5. A scrap from their previous prey. Many monstrosities attack on sight, seeing humanoids as their lunch! If they also possess some intelligence, they may have taken small trinkets as keepsakes of their own.

  6. A new companion. The monstrosities category is vast and so there is plenty of potential for a brand new party pet r friend within them. A popular choice would probably be an Owlbear cub!



"Oozes are gelatinous creatures that rarely have a fixed shape. They are mostly subterranean, dwelling in caves and dungeons and feeding on refuse, carrion, or creatures unlucky enough to get in their way."

This is arguably the toughest creature type because...Oozes don't really have pockets, appendages, or belongings? They are, in essence, giant blobs of goop and touching them can be pretty nasty for a player! But there is a little scope for possibility with these creatures if you think outside the box a little!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Ooze, obviously. Usually corrosive or acidic, it stands to reason that a creature made entirely of slime would leave behind...well...just that! If you have these creatures in a dungeon, consider making some of that acid be the key to their escape? Perhaps they need to melt an old, rusted lock.

  2. Tracks that lead to treasure. Wherever an ooze goes, a clean path is left behind as their acidic nature melts everything and anything. It could be fun to have those tracks lead back to something interesting!

  3. Psionic resonance. Some oozes have a form of psionic or psychic power in order to communicate. Perhaps their death will leave behind some kind of effect on a trinket or area that will effect the players in a positive manner! Limited telepathy or telekinesis, psychic resistance or immunity, or extra psychic damage with weapon attacks are all options.

  4. A rescued NPC. Anything that gets sucked into an ooze is on a slow and painful path to death. But the key is slow. If the ooze is killed, its latest victim may still be alive, and grateful to be rescued!

  5. A scrap from their previous prey. Most likely, previous victims will be dead. But while they may have been mostly digested, some materials may take longer to process and may be retrievable!

  6. Useful tools. Consider the things that an ooze may have partly digested that were just in their way! Crates, barrels, chests - and anything could be in them! Perhaps the ooze has already made its way through the treasure room and the longer it takes for the party to find and kill it, the smaller their overall hoard will be!



"Plants in this context are vegetable creatures, not ordinary flora. Most of them are ambulatory, and some are carnivorous."

I actually think Plants are really underestimated as interesting enemies sometimes in the world of DnD, and their loot can vary wildly - some plant creatures stay rooted, while others can move and have even begun to form civilisations.

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Wood, leaves, roots, etc. These creatures are probably going to be a botanist's dream, and so any form of stem, leaf, root, or bark that can be gathered could be of value to them. The root stem of a Shambling Mound may give some properties of lightning resistance, for example.

  2. Nectar, seeds, berries, etc. These aspects are equally as important to a mage or plant enthusiast. Seeds allow them to grow more of the creature, or berries may contain some aspect of the creature's abilities. A Violet Fungus rots those that touch it, and taking a piece may allow that ability to be transferred into a potion!

  3. A new companion. Who doesn't like the idea of growing their very own companion from a mere seedling up to a fully grown ball of thorny chaos! Plant companions are probably the easiest to get hold of, but may require specific conditions too grow well!

  4. A glimpse of intelligence. The Vegepygmies, Myconids, or Treants are probably the best example of plant races that are becoming more intelligent, and they will often even have their own societies? Tools, writing, and even weapons would indicate this!

  5. A scrap from their previous prey. Corpse flowers immediately spring to mind as a creature that will likely have some treasure on the corpses it contains. The loot doesn't always have to come from the creature itself!

  6. Ancient magical trace. So what brings these plants to life? Magic of course! They may even leave behind some of this magical energy. Perhaps it could influence the flora and fauna around it, giving them some form of sentience? Or interact with the natural world in some other way!



"Undead are once-living creatures brought to a horrifying state of undeath through the practice of necromantic magic or some unholy curse."

The Undead have a lot of fun potential within their loot because they were once living! They may be recently deceased, or spirits and skeletons from ages past, and their belongings would probably reflect that! Their presence in an area also normally signifies intent from another party - a necromancer, cult, or deity perhaps!

Loot (Roll 1d6):

  1. Organic matter. Mostly, the remains of a rotting corpse are not going to be all that impressive no matter how many times it has been alive. Some specific undead creatures such as vampires may have some interesting abilities that could be pulled from their organic matter however! You could also consider ectoplasm from certain spirits that may contain strange properties.

  2. A glimpse of their past lives. A piece of jewellery, a token, a letter, anything that may indicate that before these were a Necromancer's toy, these were people with lives. This is probably my favourite of these options, you can get really creative!

  3. A sign of their master. What has actually caused these creatures to resist death? Were they turned by a powerful Vampire? Has a Lich brought them into their service? Perhaps a deity or necromancer is responsible. Whichever it is, some kind of mark, rune, or talisman can act as an autograph of sorts to point the party in the right direction.

  4. An interesting weapon or item. Some of these creatures may have lived long ago and have items or weapons on them that are from many centuries before the party come across them!

  5. A scrap from their previous prey. Whether they are stumbling Zombies or a sophisticated Deathlock Mastermind, your party will not be their first encounter with the living. Remnants of their previous victims, as with other creature types, are always a fun addition!

  6. Historical lore drops. There is a lot of scope for creating entire backstories for your undead encounters, including their civilisation and historical context in life. Ancient manuscripts and documents, maps, art, or technologies could all be an interesting find for your party!


I hope these generic lists of potential loot sorted into monster types are helpful for a DM looking to build and expand upon their worlds using the dead bodies that their party investigate! Have you given your party any interesting loot lately? Let me know!

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